David and Susan Gibbons are spiritually-led counselors, who believe in a holistic approach to mental health.
Our mission is to provide a safe and healing environment for those seeking balance and harmony through therapeutic and counseling services.
A Mandala is a symbol of the cosmos or universe.
A traditional mandala is a square containing a circle, and the entire design is symmetrical and balanced. Some spiritual traditions use mandalas for meditation or for marking a spiritual space. In Christianity, the mandala is a symbol of wholeness, holiness and all things encompassed by God.
Early Christians made extensive use of the mandala as a teaching device, first in the form of paintings on church walls, and later as magnificent stained-glass rose windows. In modern times the psychologist Carl Jung (1875–1961) used the mandala as a tool for psychological wholeness.
In therapy this is the process that is taking place: the therapist and client explore the psyche for forgotten or buried parts of yourself in an attempt to reintegrate them into your conscious being. These forgotten parts consist of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that have been denied in preference to contrasting ones which have become dominant, and it is the reliance upon these conditioned, dominant thoughts, feelings, and attitudes that is not working for you anymore and so you are seeking help to relieve the symptoms that have been induced.